School Dinners |
Children at Elton Primary School have the choice of either a School Dinner in school or bringing in their own packed lunch from home.
School Dinners:
Schools dinners cost £2.54 per day for Nursery children and £2.78 per day for Years 3 - 6. Due to the Government's Infant Free School Meal Initiative all children in Reception, Year One and Year Two will be given a universal free school meal.
Packed lunches:
Children are welcome to bring their own packed lunch from home. Please make sure that your child's lunch box is clearly named.
Lunchtime menu:
Our School meals are provided by Dolce. Please see a copy of our termly menu below (although this can be subject to change).
You can now pay and choose your child/children's dinners on School Grid. This will help with any issues regarding what your child will eat within school. You have the flexibility to book meals in advance.
If you have not registered, please contact the school office who can help with any set up issues.
If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals please click the link below for more information and application.
Snack time and milk:
All children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 will be given a piece of fruit or vegetable under the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.
Children under five years will have access to free milk. Your child will not be eligible for free milk from the week before their fifth birthday. If you would like your child to continue to have milk in school, this can be ordered through
School Dinners |
Children at Elton Primary School have the choice of either a School Dinner in school or bringing in their own packed lunch from home.
School Dinners:
Schools dinners cost £2.54 per day for Nursery children and £2.78 per day for Years 3 - 6. Due to the Government's Infant Free School Meal Initiative all children in Reception, Year One and Year Two will be given a universal free school meal.
Packed lunches:
Children are welcome to bring their own packed lunch from home. Please make sure that your child's lunch box is clearly named.
Lunchtime menu:
Our School meals are provided by Dolce. Please see a copy of our termly menu below (although this can be subject to change).
You can now pay and choose your child/children's dinners on School Grid. This will help with any issues regarding what your child will eat within school. You have the flexibility to book meals in advance.
If you have not registered, please contact the school office who can help with any set up issues.
If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals please click the link below for more information and application.
Snack time and milk:
All children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 will be given a piece of fruit or vegetable under the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.
Children under five years will have access to free milk. Your child will not be eligible for free milk from the week before their fifth birthday. If you would like your child to continue to have milk in school, this can be ordered through