Alston Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1SB


School Uniform and Personal Items

Children wearing school uniform promotes a sense of pride, and symbolises belonging to the school and a sense of our community. School uniform has a positive impact on good behaviour and attitudes in school.  The school does have a uniform, which the children are proud to wear.  

Some items of uniform can be ordered via school.  Please contact the school office.

Our Uniform Policy can be read here

Our school uniform is as follows:

  • Bottle green sweatshirt/cardigan (Branded or unbranded)
  • Long or short black trousers/skirt/pinafore
  • White polo shirt
  • Black or white socks or black or green tights
  • In summer, green and white gingham dresses may also be worn.


Footwear should be black and of sensible design.  Trainers are NOT permitted.


All children should have the following for P.E.:

  • Pumps or trainers
  • White t-shirt
  • Black shorts or plain black joggers/leggings



 Forest School ;

  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Change of Trousers/legging/joggers
  • Wellies/sturdy boots

Uniform supplies:

You can order and buy branded sweatshirts, cardigans and shower-proof fleeces via the school office. Unbranded sweatshirts and cardigans are also acceptable, and can be purchased at most larger supermarkets. 

We also have a limited amount of Pre Loved Uniforms that are free of charge. If this would help you and your family in these difficult times please contact the School Office.



Jewellery should not be brought into school.  Only small earring studs are allowed to be worn and these must be removed for all P.E. including swimming.


Mobile Phones/iPods etc.:

Children are NOT allowed to bring mobile phones, iPods or other such electronic devices into school.  Any mobile phones and similar devices will be confiscated by staff to be returned at the end of the school day.

School uniform is available to buy from the School office.

Sweatshirts and Cardigans are £12.00 Bookbags £6.50


We also have a limited amount of Pre Loved uniforms that are free of charge.

If this would help you and your family in these difficult times please contact the School Office.